Happy second anniversary to us! Who can believe that it’s already been two years since VN Game Den’s creation? A lot has happened since this site has launched. And of course, given that’s our anniversary, we wanted to announce a few things we have planned! So here’s what we’ve got for you.
New Look
As you can see, VN Game Den has adopted a new look! This look is a lot more compact, modern, and sleek. As they say, “out with the old, in with the new!” We hope that you enjoy this change as much as we do. Please let us know what you think through the comments or through social media.
Redbubble Store Launch

Love stickers? Or cool shirts? Well, at our new Redbubble store, we have all of that and more! Our wonderful artist, Dara, made a ton of visual novel-related and pride merch over the last few months. It was super hard to keep all of this a secret considering how great everything turned out, so you should definitely check out the store and maybe buy a thing or two! Keep an eye on it as well, because you can expect the store to be updated over the next few months with some new merch!
Weekly Twitch Streams

That’s right! VN Game Den is happy to announce that alongside the launch of our Redbubble store, we will also be starting up weekly Twitch streams. The host will be yours truly! As someone who was been in content creation for a combined fourteen years of her life, I’m super excited to bring entertaining streams to y’all every week. If you haven’t already, I highly encourage you to submit your visual novels to our “Cover My Visual Novel” form, as those will take priority for what I cover on the streams. These streams are expected to be two hours long and will take place every Friday at 6 PM Eastern time. You can expect the streams to start on July 1st. Follow us here so you can be notified when we go live!
Thank you
I wanted to close this post out by saying a giant thank you to everyone, from our wonderful team to our amazing readers. Without you all, VN Game Den wouldn’t exist. While we may have faced some trials and tribulations, just like any other website has, the bad is heavily outshined by the good. So, again, thank you all for your support, and I hope that we can continue to do this for another year!